Your Online Evangelism Partner
We help small and medium sized churches reach lost and broken people within their local neighborhoods.
People Are Now Calling Gen Z "The Anxious Generation"
Sadly, 1 in 3 people ages 18-25 have a diagnosed mental illness. An entire generation is starving for Jesus, and it's the church's responsibility to reach these people.
How do we reach them? We must go where they hangout--online. Gen Z spends 6-8 hours per day online.
This is why church trends indicate a clear correlation between online evangelism and church survival.
The 3 Deadly Marketing Mistakes That Most Churches Are Making Today
(And what to do instead!)
Mistake #1
Most churches don't know that there are grants available to help support their online marketing.
If you are a non-profit, we can get you approved for a $10K/mo marketing grant.
Mistake #2
Most churches target people who are already churched rather than people who are in pain.
We've found that it's at least 15x more effective to reach people in pain vs. church shoppers.
Mistake #3
If you don't engage with people online first, you'll have poor show-up and retention rates.
Instead, we can help you foster deeper relationships before new visitors even walk in the building.
"Multiply Your Online Evangelism Efforts (To Reach Gen Z)"
After you apply to partner with us, we'll teach you what we've found after $1,000's and months of testing, plus over 10 years of digital marketing experience.
Begin Application:
Jesus didn't spam. We don't either.
Why We Want To Help You!
We can do more through partnerships than we can alone.

Clark Varin
Founding Director
After receiving a healing miracle, Jesus called Clark into ministry to use his digital marketing experience to help churches reach lost and broken people online. Over time, God revealed his plan for "Prayer For Healing" as a bridge between people online and the local church.